Sinergia – Italy – Coordinator

Sinergia s.c.s. is an Ngo with a mission to promote social inclusion, social innovation and human rights locally, nationally and transnationally. We implement social projects, educational programmes and employability opportunities to the most marginalised groups of society.
We do this by using non formal education, innovative educational tools and practices, identifying local needs, promoting the well-being of the population, connecting people to social solutions, developing core skills and empowering them to become active citizens, contributing to a balanced and sustainable social development.
Our mission is to promote values as respect human rights, tolerance and non-discrimination, equality, cooperation for social justice, sustainable development.
Buharkent Halk Egitimi – Turkey

Buharkent Public Education Centre is a public institution in the centre of Buharkent which started its activities in 1989, with a population of 12 000. Buharkent is located in the west part of Turkey.
The city is more densely populated than other towns nearby, and it attracts people from other parts of the country. There is a need to educate and train people coming from other parts of the country. The main aim of HEM institutions all over the country is to train and educate both local and migrant people, to make their transition into social life easier, and to help them to become integrated members of the local community. It is a non-profit, official institution with almost 20 people on its staff and a similar number of other qualified trainers, who also conduct activities which provide training and education for learners. We organize language courses (English ), reading and writing own language for adult learners, ICT, handicrafts, jevelry, sports, folk dances, bağlama (a kind of traditional musical instrument) painting and marbling (Ebru-an old Ottoman painting art).
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica – Poland

Foundation Pro Scientia Publica (Poland) has been operating since 2010 in the field of adult education, promoting several initiatives with a focus on elderly citizens and their social inclusion.
Our staff (10 people, mostly adult education trainers) is experienced in teaching adult and elderly people and we are providing workshops and seminars regarding:
•Techniques and methods of teaching senior students
• Edutainment
• Development of key competencies of seniors’
• ICT and social media inclusion of elderly people
• Security on the internet of elderly people
• Critical thinking
Our beneficiaries are people aged 65+ and trainers from other organizations in the region of Lower Silesia, Poland.

Animam Viventem Association, which uses the motto Vida + Viva, is a non-profit association based in the municipality of Cascais – Portugal, founded in January 2012. Identifying the local needs, we promote the WELL-BEING of the population by CONNECTING people to social solutions, DEVELOPING core skills and EMPOWERING them to become active citizens, contributing to a balanced and sustainable SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT.
Aiming to be a link between people and solutions for the local and global problems, our approach is based on a global vision with a psychosocial and educational intervention, and thus contributing to a positive impact on sustainable social development, considering each person as a key agent for change.
Roes Cooperativa KOIN.S.EP. – Greece

Roes Cooperativa is a social cooperative enterprise of the ‘20s created by professional trainers, social workers, project managers and informal groups aiming to create an alliance that hosts innovative, experiential and non-formal education approaches. The company is registered at the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) database of Greece (000165603011),
supported by DOCK – Support Structure of the SSE and selected for funding from NSRF (National Strategic Reference Framework aka ESPA).
Roi in Greek stands for stream. Roes are the streams that, even though they were working separately, (in parallel and together on different occasions since 2013), they decided to come together and create a river that blends theιr different approaches in a holistic learning experience.