Short Term Staff Training 1
27-28-29 September 2021
A short-term joint staff training events have been launched to train educators to implement education activities with seniors based on expressive arts. Starting from the good practices in the field, the methodology will be adapted to the project objectives, to transfer to the participants the competencies needed to implement local workshops with seniors, and to support them in joining the virtual cultural circle that will be created within the project.
During the training hosted in Cascais, Portugal by the Associacao Animam Viventem, and consist of Foundation Pro Scientia Poland, Roes Cooperativa Koin.S.EP. Greece, Buharkent Halk Eğitimi Merkezi Turkey and Sinergia Societa Cooperativa Sociale from Italy, partner participants presented their tasks as in the training agenda. They had presentations about benefits of working with arts, non-formal education, working with senior population, music, dance, theatre and creative writing modules, creating an integrated plan for implementation at local level, and Ideas to create the virtual “Transnational Cultural Circle”
In December the Polish partner will host the second transnational meeting to finalize the transition from training of staff to the workshops for learners (C2 and local activities) and the launch of the virtual transnational cultural circle for seniors, and aligning with planned objectives, deepening the preparation of the Interim report to the National Agency, preparing contents for the next press-release and newsletter, and for the website, monitoring and evaluating the project development, analysing the project management to ensure alignment between partners.